ABF.com.ar: Our works
    del Cont. G. Castro  


Our works and authors

   The following is a list of Sites were you may fing some of our Reports.

ISI Emerging Markets
Internet Securities, Inc
Click to access 
the Site for Internet Securities, Inc

Click to access 
the Site for Internet Securities, Inc

This is an Euromoney Institutional Investor Company that provides services throughout the Internet to specialists in Emerging Markets from Financial Institutions and multinational Corporations in Unites States, Europe and Emerging Countries. Their service is only for subscribers; allowing the user to access throughout the Internet a huge amount of information arrived from more than 5,200 leadership sources from Latin America, Europe and Asia. The service from Internet Securities have been recognized as a "must" from Information World Review, and got a first position between Business Web Sites by Wall Street Journal Europe and have received many times the "Best of the Web" by Forbes Magazine.

Business News

Click para acceder al Sitio de la 
BN Americas

Due to the quality of researches from ABF, Business News Americas named us as a Rerearch Partner, and provides to their customers a summary of our Reports, and direct access to free ones, just when they are released. This is accomplished in a new channel from BN Americas called Research Center.

BN Americas is a leader in business information in Spanish, English and Portuguese within Latin America. They provide their news service through specialized journalists that cover key areas of the regional economy.

Company objectives is to be a worldwide leader on electronic media, specialized in news and specific information in the Latino American industry. They distribute to their customers' news and prominent information, with value added.

Alzas y Bajas
Click to access Alzas y Bajas's Site

This is the most traditional and best known Stock Market Magazine in Argentina. We are port of their team, as Balance Sheet Reporter. Alzas y Bajas show our reports usually throughout the Internet, and we link each other in our Sites.

Latin Watch, Inc
Click to access the Site for LATINVESTOR

You may find there most of our works, both free and paid reports. You may buy our reports throughout the Internet in their Site.

Click access their Site

We colaborate in Section Analysts in this new Site for Personal Financing. TANGO BROKER displays in their Site delayed (free) reports according to their interest.

Click to access their Site

This is a new Online trading Site, Directed by Dr. Martín Redrado. We colaborate in the Research section of the Site.

Maex S.A.
Click to access their Site

Maex S.A. accessed our reports in their begginings.

Rava S.A.
Click to access their Site

Rava S.A. have published our first report in their old Site "Ebolsa", and then they have published other reports in the past.

Click to access their Site

During a while Patagon.com published some reports in their section "El Forista Invitado", a part of their Community Section.


Gabriel Castro

Gabriel Castro is a Certified Public Accountant with a experience of more than 15 years in the Capital Markets. During this time he passed many Country devaluations and crisis. He is a former empoyee of an importat US Company, were he covered a wide rage of responsibilities wheter as a professional or manager in areas like Finance, Information Systems or Marketing. He now is devolted fulltime to manage his own and thrird parties Portfolios.

María Gabriela Castro

María Gabriela Castro translate our works to English. She is close to graduate as Certified Public Accountant. She have been studying English at College and also got a First Certificate English, from University of Cambridge and other Certificates form Cambridge and Trinity College of London.


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